Boost your day with just one great idea!

It happened to me last week.  I implemented just one great idea from one of the many GWALS pre-summit sessions, and BOOM!  I got a huge BOOST in my day!

Just One Idea worked for me

“Time is the new money” … Richard Branson

That is the one phrase that screamed out at me as I listened to Sam Horn gave her Fri Oct 9 session “Open Doors and Close Deals with a Crystal Clear Elevator Speech”.  It was not the reason I had signed into the webinar, but the thought that I could add value by giving back time to a harried executive was a fresh perspective.

And I implemented it at a meeting the following week.  I knew my audience was time sensitive.  In fact, they had scheduled us for exactly 45 minutes (huge indicator).  So I reworked the presentation, put a fair bit of the material into an appendix and went in with the opening line ‘Thank you for giving us 45 minutes in your schedule.  I know that it is a busy day for you, so I have created a 15 minute presentation which will hopefully give us enough time for Q&A and get you out early”.  The meeting ran over an hour.

The point?

You don’t know where you are going to get that one ‘life-hack’ that could completely transform your thinking, or just tweak your day!  It could be a conversation or a book or a newspaper headline.

I am enjoying the GWALS seminar series.  It has been rich and deep with information.  I know, I know.  You “don’t have time to listen to so many sessions”.  I agree.  20+ pre-summit sessions in one week was a huge time commitment.  40+ one-hour long webinars, over two weeks .. a cornucopia of riches and information!  The GWALS team have put together a truly global list of thought leaders (more on that in another post!)

But, you don’t know where you are going to get that one little life-hack that can make the difference to your life, or the lives of those around you.

We each listen differently, and hear different things

One week in, I am glad that I have the professional level ticket for the full summit.  It allows me to schedule when I listen in live, and gives me access so I can catch-up on missed webinars.

The GWALS team suggested listening out for ONE actionable item from the presentation you are listening to.  And that is a great suggestion for every conversation in your life!  ‘BE PRESENT’ is just as important when listening to your kids!

You hear what you are meant to hear … and that may not be what you were listening for!

You have all heard about the Power of Attraction (The Secret).  Our sub-conscious sometimes speaks louder than our voice, and like the ‘time is the new money’ moment in that elevator pitch seminar, my mind connected and held onto a technique it knew I would need to solve for a problem that was on my horizon.  It was not the message I was listening for!  I wanted Sam Horn’s tips on crafting a great elevator speech (and very valuable information it is, by the way).  But the information I needed was that little quote and her accompanying commentary.

I find myself re-playing webinars.  And listening in the car for an inspiration boost as I drive to a new client.  I catch up on missed webinars while waiting to pick kids up from extra-curricular.  And each time, my mind is filled with ‘actionable items’.

Not pitching!

Now, I am not pitching for GWALS!!  Just calling it as I see it.  My regular readers know that I love sharing valuable information and ideas.

This GWALS series is almost a mini-university course!  I cannot implement everything I have learned and heard.  I hope to incorporate an idea a day, or an initiative a week.  I will continue to share my learning because young and old, male or female, there were so many ideas here.  This is just the start, and one of many!


And my final note?  I don’t know what you may need to hear right now or where your ‘aha’ moment will be.  Check out the summit offerings.  If it helps, read my reviews of the free pre-view sessions.  I am happy – always – to share what I have learned, and direct you to more sources, people and information.

And if your finances can manage it, sign-up for the GWALS summit and get a professional level ticket.  Think about it as ‘buying time‘ – having access to all these great life lessons, tricks, coaching, ideas for the coming months and years – a way of going back for information, access to that one Life Hack.


Over to you:

} .. Has this ever happened to you?  Where you attended for one piece of information, but came away with a whole different lot of wisdom?  What was it?

} .. What would you like to hear more about?

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  • Pingback:Bootstrap your time? Time Hack
    Posted at 07:14h, 06 November Reply

    […]  An hour less productivity at night? Could I use her suggestion to find more time?  After all, if Time is the new Money, then this could just be the payout from this particular […]

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