Education and career choices were usually clear to see and decide. Do well in high school and aim for higher education. Get the right job at the right company. Be a competent employee, receive promotions and, ultimately, enjoy retirement.

It was the ladder to success.

But this career and path is no longer a sure thing. Success through this means is not assured.

Rules have shifted and new ones have not yet really appeared. We are transitioning to a new economic model with peaks and dips that seem complex to understand and unnerving (scary) to experience. But, when fully considered, this economic model lots of opportunities to do ‘your own thing.’

It is the roller coaster to success.

For those willing to take the time to suss out this model, it can become the thrill of a lifetime.

So the question is, “How do I jump on board?”

The most important step to take is to be more aware of just what GenZ faces – a world that worships disruptions and in which rules can, or even should, be broken. GenZ must be ready to understand what rules can be broken, which are to be adjusted and which should be maintained to preserve order

To be ready, GenZ & Millennials must learn how to:

  • acknowledge uncertainty
  • become agile in order to shift or pivot in response to changing conditions
  • evaluate more than one possible solution
  • be willing to make decisions to set their own path