E39: Denys Linkov is a pivotal figure at Tech Under 20, where he has helped steer this organization to create access for young adults to our vibrant local tech community. Never too young to lead is a series of interviews with young people who inspire me with their interest in...

E34: Using your campus career center in your final year of study can reduce stress, overwhelm, and increase your confidence. Here are 10 ways. (8:30 min listen, 4 min read) The more you know The biggest advantage you can give yourself when job seeking is the Knowledge Advantage. Understanding expectations. With that...

The podcast episode here: In this final episode on Malcolm Gladwell’s book Talking to Strangers, I circle back to the first episode where we discussed his podcast Revisionist History. Once I got home and started reading the paper version of the book ‘Talking to Strangers – What we should know about the...

He had me at ‘spy stories’. The podcast episode here: When Heather Reisman asked Malcolm Gladwell what compelled him to write the book 'Talking to Strangers – What we should know about the people we don’t know', he said he loves a good spy story. So he started asking himself the question...

This morning I had coffee with Malcolm Gladwell. Well almost! Just me, my cup of java and 1449 other people, listening in on an intimate conversation between my favourite author and Heather Reisman of Indigo, in the renowned UofT Convocation Hall. Hosted by the UofT Rotman School of Business @gladwell was discussing...

"Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"


Have you just received a contact request like this one to be a keynote speaker? Beware. You may be getting scammed especially if it is for a church in London. Pull up your version of the email to see if the details match, then proceed. I have split this blog post into 3 parts:
  1. Am I being scammed? - Thanks to the scammed speakers before me who documented their journey, I stopped well in advance of losing money and time in this adventure. Here are their stories. This blog is me paying it forward.
  2. How this scam operates - it dates to before 2012
  3. At the bottom, a copy of all the emails I received, in the hope that if you are googling for a particular phrase from your email, you will find this blog and save yourself hours.

Big things: How to start small

That is the supposed theme of the lecture series. At 5:45 in her video below, Anna says 'you created a great moment. You made me feel really good.' And so they did. For an hour or so - until I had the rug pulled out from under me - I felt like all my small actions had made an impact - my blogging, my presentations, my podcast TILT the Future, the LinkedIn posts and community building in person and online. It had all worked. Because someone had noticed and recommended me for this great big opportunity. As I teach GenZ and as I have been trumpeting regarding the climate crisis, it is a gathering of small efforts and actions. Funny how that conference theme would work on so many levels!

EQ skills

It also showcases some other human skills that remain important as we enter an ever-more technical future where scams have gone international, scammers spoof your email, webpages can easily be created:
  • Critical thinking & investigative skills
  • Instincts, intuition, trusting your gut reaction
  • Trust
  • Sense of self
It is a shame that I was targeted, but a timely reminder too about how much of ourselves we share in public spaces.

Make. Take. Talk.

Make - I will make this PSA and alert the fraud squad in the UK and Canada Take - Like me, make an effort to protect your personal information in your public space. Confirm who you are corresponding with. Care what you share about friends and family - names, celebrations etc leave clues. Talk - about it widely so that others do not fall victim to this same scam and lose money, give away their personal information, and waste time filling in unnecessary forms. More importantly, talk to the young people in your orbit about how much they share, with whom, how to do their due diligence and confirm that an opportunity that glitters is indeed gold.
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I want to thank Jay Cradeur for inviting me as a guest onto his podcast Rideshare Dojo. A podcast for Uber drivers Jay is a veteran Uber driver with over 25,000 rides to his name. He has created his podcast - Rideshare Dojo - to share thoughts, best practices and ideas on...

For me, it was empty chairs and empty tables. And the fridge full of food. Empty chairs That was the moment it hit home that things are no longer the same. And I have to find my new normal. But right now, I am caught 'in-between'. Like so many other parents across North America...

STEAM = STEM + Arts As we worry about a future where robots will replace jobs, STEAM graduates are creating their own ideal jobs. Our world is getting more technological. We need graduates with technical skills to match the positions being created for the future. A STEM curriculum (Science Technology Engineering Math)...