How will Robotics affect the Future of Work? [caption id="attachment_1336" align="aligncenter" width="199"] Loveable robots - C3PO R2-D2[/caption] Friend or Foe?  Will robots be a productivity tool co-existing with humans or are they a threat to the workforce and our Future of Work?  There has been a tsunami of articles & videos, triggering...

A collection of 10 questions about Driverless technology that you raised: ‘} … {* Sharing some of the interesting questions raised in discussion threads on the various platforms (FB, blog, email, phone) as a result of the blog post Driverless Planes, Trains & Automobiles.  Interestingly they centered around Driverless cars: Will someone...

Driverless planes, trains & automobiles. How will this affect our lives 5 years from now?  What jobs, careers, and opportunities will it create? 5 on the Future of Work is a compilation of 5 recent articles focusing on technologies and developments that could affect how we live, work and play 5-15 years...

Think Thanksgiving, think turkey. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving - but we'll serve fish. It's our Thanksgiving tradition [gallery columns="1" size="medium" ids="947"] Come with me on a journey.  This was the view from our Thanksgiving table the first time we were not surrounded by our extended family and our friends - and when we did...

Habits, like the sun rise, are about rhythm Understand your motivation for changing your routine or habits Participation trumps Perfection - stay in the game, get back up on the horse Each sun rise reminds us of a new day, a fresh beginning Every morning, when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new...

Kare Anderson • 1st ★ Speaker TED (over 2.5 mil views) ♦ author Mutuality Matters & Opportunity Makers ♦ Emmy winner ♦ Moving From Me to We 3yr3 years ago   From the 2008 crash to prison sentencing reforms, the provocative book, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy,...