'Tiz conference season in Toronto!  From WiP Women in Payments to WE day; GWALS Global Women's Leadership Summit to HDSB's PIC and multiple university and student life fairs.  One of the problems with having great organizers create fabulous summits workshops and conferences is there is so much wonderful content to digest. "I...

Debating whether to e-deposit that cheque on your smartphone? While cheques may be going the way of the dodo, they are not yet out of the financial system in Canada.  Birthday presents, baby-sitting money and post-dated rent cheques are still part of the regular money cycle.

Karena de Souza, Shift Thought distributor in Canada shares her thoughts on the payments scene in Canada having recently attended Mobile Money Canada 2013. Mobile technology is starting to go mainstream. Learn how Canadian innovations such as Mintchip are developing shoulder-to-shoulder with new offers from global players such as PayPal...