Earth Day If there are positive side effects of the COVID-19 crisis, they are the numerous stories of the Earth being able to breathe again. Fitting that COVID Earth Day coincides with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! This has been a peek into what is possible if we all work...

E43: The power of small Feeling helpless? Are you feeling like your ideas may not have any impact in a fight that has dominated the global mind and affected health, society and commerce in every country on earth? The Covid-19 pandemic has showcased how the smallest among us can have the biggest impact. The...

What early childhood experiences shaped the career choices of your future? I am very lucky to have a direct line to common sense information in the midst of this Corona crisis. My sister is an Epidemiologist. She lectures at LSHTM (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) and has literally written...

Sharing a little more from the interview with Malcolm Gladwell as he discussed his latest book Talking to Strangers (#TalkingToStrangers) Interviews and Interviews This episode is dedicated to first impressions. In particular, a segment of first impressions that affects so many young adults as they go about creating their careers. What got my...

The increasing impact of the Climate Crisis is having a direct effect on the Future of Work. It puts pressure on existing careers, but also opens up a number of new opportunities as we deal with the dual impacts of mitigation and surviving with a new normal....