Today’s topic is Trendspotting. This is another in the set of 21st-century explorer skills because we have to search for signs in the uncharted territory between the industrial and information eras. Techniques for trend spotting How do we figure out what is going to happen? It comes from paying attention to signs...

Is it the AI algorithm? “Wow. I loved learning about bananas” was the response to a short story I had written on the Writing in Community site. Ever since, funnily enough, I’ve noticed a steady dribble of posts on my various newsfeeds talking about bananas. If I was ten years younger and...

This is why I believe in our young generation Let’s start with two stories from the ocean. DESPAIR And a stark reminder of exactly how fast change can compound. Last year the oceans absorbed heat equivalent to seven Hiroshima atomic bombs detonating each second, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year That was a...

A Future I didn’t expect. As a futurist, I’m looking back to see forward. In a new slant to an old exercise, I videotaped a message to my future self in January 2021. It contained so many dreams and expectations for 2021 and was a hoot to watch when it popped...