Feeling grateful and blessed! I am on a 365-day writing streak. I've been chasing the habit of regular writing for the past five years. And now that I have made it this far, I would like to share some of the reasons it may have worked to date. Is there a...

"Stop focusing on the size of your problem And start focusing on the size of you." T Harv Eker Overwhelm After posting yesterday's episode and doing my research, I have to admit I was heading into Overwhelm territory. I was filled with questions: Crazy? Why did you volunteer to do this? What difference can...

For me, it was empty chairs and empty tables. And the fridge full of food. Empty chairs That was the moment it hit home that things are no longer the same. And I have to find my new normal. But right now, I am caught 'in-between'. Like so many other parents across North America...