01 Apr Imperfectly … TILT the Future in your favour
Life is not perfect. Sometimes we just have to take that step forward....
Life is not perfect. Sometimes we just have to take that step forward....
Trailer:Â 'Peeks' and Valleys Welcome to this new podcast - TILT the Future in your Favour In this trailer, we discuss the framework for the various episodes that will follow. Today's career path looks more like a roller coaster ride than the traditional ladder. With the gig economy, new technologies, just in time...
A year ago I kissed my father at the door and took his blessing. While my plane crossed the Atlantic, he crossed from this world to the next. Transitions You may have noticed that I have written much about transitions and change this year. It is a subject that I thought I...
Its time to rebrand soft skills. It is all over the press. In a skills based economy, the few that are able to augment their strong knowledge or IQ skills with a strong and healthy dose of EQ or soft skills are the ones who will benefit the most. But I have...
Strategies to help students succeed 'We surveyed a number of students - some who had made a better transition as they entered their second year, others less so. And every content junior undergraduate used the same four letter word while describing their first year experience. It didn't come up in the...
For me, it was empty chairs and empty tables. And the fridge full of food. Empty chairs That was the moment it hit home that things are no longer the same. And I have to find my new normal. But right now, I am caught 'in-between'. Like so many other parents across North America...
COME FROM AWAY - a story of compassion and resilience For those who are not yet in the know, Come From Away is a must-see Canadian triumph and a Tony award-winning show. It is the true story of the tiny town of Gander in Newfoundland, Canada that responded with grace, courage, and compassion...
STEAM = STEM + Arts As we worry about a future where robots will replace jobs, STEAM graduates are creating their own ideal jobs. Our world is getting more technological. We need graduates with technical skills to match the positions being created for the future. A STEM curriculum (Science Technology Engineering Math)...
BzzzZZZ - my alarm goes off and instead of hitting snooze I bound out of bed to check the current country medal standings; thrilled that while I slept our Canadian athletes were delivering success after success - and that Canada was still in medal podium position in the country standings!...
Short read: If Corporations are constantly evolving to expand their longevity and stay relevant, maybe you should too. Companies that want to stay relevant longer are constantly retooling, restructuring and re-evaluating possible threats. Change is the new normal. Half the companies on the S&P 500 companies will be replaced on...