Hidden messages in logos? "Amazon has the smile, FedEx has the arrow. What message is hidden in your logo?" You know, that secret message that you cannot unsee once you know about it? I thought a lot about messaging this past weekend while I was participating in Nate Kadlac’s Approachable Design course. This...

E40: Gen Z is leaning on parents as career influencers. More than peers or professors as they make major career decisions. How can we use this information? This episode is inspired by a post that I wrote for CERIC in honour of Family Day (link below). (07:00 min listen, 04:00 min...

E39: Denys Linkov is a pivotal figure at Tech Under 20, where he has helped steer this organization to create access for young adults to our vibrant local tech community. Never too young to lead is a series of interviews with young people who inspire me with their interest in...

E38: Never too young to lead is the trailer to a series of interviews with young people who inspire me. (10:49 min listen, 5:00 min read) Highlights: (00:03) Articulate - Overcoming Stage Fright (01:48) Introducing Tech Under Twenty (02:52) Halton & Silicon Halton - a tech corridor (03:38) Filled with...