get out of their way

Move out of their way

“And then, move out of their way”

Kids develop their broader EQ skills by stretching their abilities. It is a gradual lesson for us parents, this lesson in letting go. But we have to give our children the opportunity to develop their self-confidence, learn planning and the testing/failure that are cornerstones of a healthy life-long learning process. And we can only do that by encouraging them to participate in their share of the chores. And then patiently, get out of their way.

  • From making a toast to a 70-ingredient Cubano.
  • From mismatched socks to doing laundry.
  • From missing practices to a fully color-coded course and curricular schedule.

The many inter-mingled skills that our young adults will need to make an effective transition to higher education all start as little actions taken under our roof. This is particularly true if they live on campus. The ability to remember when to eat and sleep. Having clean clothes. Managing their schedules so that assignments are handed in on time and they do not miss an exam. 

Even though our instincts are to protect our young, their progressive independence is a necessary part of their EQ development. Enjoy!

This is another in the series of parentingtips for classof2030. Here, we share the trusted resources that made a difference in our parenting journey and the new resources that could help a young student prepare for the Future of Work.

Do you want to join the discussion? When have your parenting journeys taken a twist? What advice would you offer a new parent?

Other posts in this series of parenting tips for classof2030:
  • Inspiration: A discussion on the Future of Work with parents at a K-8 school
  • TILT the Future – my new podcast that discusses how little ideas, small shifts and minute moments can result in monumental changes in our lives
  • GenZ, Gen Z, Generation Z – if you were born in 1995 or after. You are usually a digital native, having no memory of a world without the internet!
  • Ti17-15, Video and writing challenges
  • Find a version of this thought for today article on LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Photo, audio & video credit: TEDx Julia Lythcott-Haims, author of ‘How to Raise an Adult’
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