08 Apr Driverless – The top 10 questions that came up
A collection of 10 questions about Driverless technology that you raised:
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Sharing some of the interesting questions raised in discussion threads on the various platforms (FB, blog, email, phone) as a result of the blog post Driverless Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Interestingly they centered around Driverless cars:
- Will someone born after 2004 need to learn to drive? (Debated by a 10 year old) Do they want to? What will replace the Drivers License as an adult rite of passage?
- Presently a Driver’s license is a prime form of government ID. What form of id do you expect to become the norm?
- Cell phones enabled the poor in developing nations the ability to leap-frog a generation of technology giving them immediate access to communications and banking. What equivalent condition would have to exist in developing nations for this technology to be adopted in developing nations first?
- Will cities like Riyadh who are installing their public transportation infrastructure for the first time take the opportunity to do it all driverless?
- When do you think Driverless Trucks & Lorries will be in place? How will that affect the huge trucker population?
- What entry level jobs can replace pizza delivery and truck or taxi-driving as entry level jobs for teenagers and new immigrants?
- A debate started on how autonomous vehicles could become hacking targets – creating possible jobs in cyber security, security apps and gadgets.
- Logistics – How does an autonomous vehicle driving around 50km/hr share the road with ‘manual’ traffic? Until driverless cars become mainstream, how will risks be reduced while manned and driverless cars share the road?
- Airport monorail systems are autonomous. What new technology was developed that made autonomous driving more feasible? Was it a technology, or focus and money?
- What regulatory level discussions are happening in your town or country related to driverless cars, trains, nautical and aeronautical?
The range of topics and questions that were raised were encouraging – especially as so many were raise by teenagers.
The GenZ student of today needs to stay informed and continuously incorporate advances in technology during their post-secondary education to stay at the top of an ever-evolving job market and be in demand for the careers of tomorrow.
Karena works with her clients (students and their families) to help them get the best return on their investment of education and time. An average undergrad+postgrad spans 4-6 years, which is as long as a technology cycle. Most jobs now require a postgraduate qualification.
To work with Karena, please email Karena@theKarenaArena.com. Like this post? Please subscribe to email alerts below to catch new posts and follow the Karena Arena on FaceBook.
- Thank you for starting a wonderful discussion and for sending related articles to me and sharing them on the Karena Arena FB page!
- http://www.driverless-future.com/?page_id=774
- http://gizmodo.com/the-first-driverless-transit-system-in-the-u-s-starts-1635908058
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