The air we share knows no borders – Climate Emergency declarations

Canada, the UK, NYC, Sydney join other local municipalities in declaring motions recognizing a Climate Emergency

It has been a thrill to see a growing number of municipalities, cities and countries across the globe respond to the demands of their local citizens, and pass a variety of motions that alert us to Climate Emergency.

Getting to this stage is a major accomplishment. It has involved hours of networking, canvassing and active grassroots participation from local residents of every age. It shows the passion of those who have fought long and hard to raise the alerts and facilitate the discussions.

Giving teeth to pieces of paper

It is up to the rest of us to now support these pioneers and our governments and municipalities in deploying changes that are socially and ecologically responsible.

By themselves, these declarations are pieces of paper. What gives them teeth is how we – the local citizens – choose to support our government in incorporating it into daily life, and enforcing it if necessary.

Is my community involved? Want to learn more?

Check out the Climate Mobilization link in the reference area below.

What happens in Las Vegas

When we make a decision to give grants to a local factory, we can now include a clause to ensure their emissions and wastewater do not damage the community. Because what happens in Las Vegas (when it comes to pollution) doesn’t always stay in Las Vegas! We are one global community.

The air we share knows no border

Decisions we make in one neighbourhood can impact a country far away. We first recognized this with acid rain in the 1970s.
The air we share and breathe, the oceans that feed so many of us and help regulate our global climate – these know no borders.

The political debates

My recent post on the ‘Size of Me’ created a lot of feedback and conversation.
My intent was to have us stay motivated and ready to take daily actions by not getting overwhelmed.

As I write, we are in the middle of the US2020 Presidential campaign.

One of our responsibilities, well within the ‘size’ of each of us, is the duty to get to know the stance of the various political candidates. Listen to the debates. Research their web pages.

Whether it is the leadership discussion in the UK, a presidential election in Mauritania, discussions in the EU, the Canadian or US elections, take the time to learn more.

While we may not get a vote in a neighbouring country, we should still stay interested in their position and stance on the Climate Emergency. Because we all breathe the same air.

Action / Awareness:

As you can tell, today’s segment has been about raising awareness. And also about asking you to take some political action in the way of staying informed as to your local municipality, your leaders and their positions and thoughts on the climate crisis.

Little actions. Daily.

I am continuing daily:

  1. Making at least one climate-related decision or action, daily.
  2. Discovering something new about the urgency – via blogs, conversations, new technology.
  3. Sharing the urgency with people around me.
  4. Actively discussing creative solutions.  Because the best idea can come from anyone, anywhere.

Thank you to the various people who reached out through LinkedIn and private messages to let me know that this daily conversation has made them do a double take as they make purchasing, eating and living decisions in the past week.

It is a good thing the air knows no borders! We are all in this together!

Today’s podcast episode:

The aim is to raise enough awareness that we sense the urgency of the situation and begin to take daily actions.

Thank you for joining me on this journey

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