I want to thank Jay Cradeur for inviting me as a guest onto his podcast Rideshare Dojo. A podcast for Uber drivers Jay is a veteran Uber driver with over 25,000 rides to his name. He has created his podcast - Rideshare Dojo - to share thoughts, best practices and ideas on...

Canada, the UK, NYC, Sydney join other local municipalities in declaring motions recognizing a Climate Emergency It has been a thrill to see a growing number of municipalities, cities and countries across the globe respond to the demands of their local citizens, and pass a variety of motions that alert us...

"Stop focusing on the size of your problem And start focusing on the size of you." T Harv Eker Overwhelm After posting yesterday's episode and doing my research, I have to admit I was heading into Overwhelm territory. I was filled with questions: Crazy? Why did you volunteer to do this? What difference can...

  Summer Solstice Basking in the long evening shadows of the longest day of the year, on June 21. The Summer Solstice is a celebration of light across the Northern Hemisphere. From now, the days will draw shorter But it is also bittersweet. Because from today, the days will grow progressively shorter. The light will...