My Manifesto for a Moral Revolution part 1 What is the “impossible” you dare to imagine as “possible”? What is the story about the future or an alternate reality your manifesto will tell? What will help you sustain and thrive throughout this work? Jacqueline Novogratz asks these questions in the Acumen class Path of...

We protect what we value. Take time to list the natural treasures of what we care about Fireflies, stars I looked up at the night sky. Mottled cloud ‘Look, fireflies’ my husband whispers. Fireflies? In Ontario? Impossible! But here they are 15 years later with global warming. The odd one flickering by the neighbour's elm, now atop their cedar. Oh! I've...

Earth Day If there are positive side effects of the COVID-19 crisis, they are the numerous stories of the Earth being able to breathe again. Fitting that COVID Earth Day coincides with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! This has been a peek into what is possible if we all work...