25 Apr What 7 technologies are you noticing right now?
What does your imagined world look like – the world after COVID?
How do you envision the world when ‘things return to normal‘?
Each of us has our own vision. Our personal vision can cast a magnifying glass on the things that we notice in this present moment.
Which leads me to the challenge for today:
What have you noticed about the technologies that are the most important or the most promising in this current moment?
Are there technologies that have bounced out at you during this COVID-19 crisis?
When I asked this at the table everyone ‘s first response was ZOOM!
Great. Now, let’s figure out 6 more!
On completing this exercise, what does your list tell you about your own focus and your vision for the future?
As we each share back our lists, I am looking forward to discovering what I haven’t yet noticed because it was on the edge of my peripheral vision, but front and center in your life.
Do you now consider WiFi an essential technology?
When I was crowd-sourcing a list of 10 essentials most people would ensure they had around going forward, I was surprised to see so many add WiFi and a rechargeable battery pack to their list.
Whether it is playing a game of FIFA to re-connect with distant friends, home-schooling children or doing a video call with a parent who is social-distancing, we are now heavily reliant on the Internet and internet connectivity.
And we want it to work 24/7 at peak capacity. I get frustrated when I am in the middle of an interesting call and my zoom connectivity goes fuzzy.
COVID-19 – the Long Game
COVID-19 is going to have an impact on our lives until the end of 2020.
It is going to have a rolling impact on our society and economy for longer than that.
We have crossed a threshold, and are entering a new zone. As a result, there is a major re-adjustment happening. Technologies that had laid dormant for many years, or served one simple purpose are being re-purposed and taking their turn in the spotlight.
Share the technologies you have noticed and explain how they got on your radar (could not miss it, stealth observation) and why you think it is significant.
Do you think you should learn more about this technology?
Remember – today’s technology is tomorrow’s utility. The plough, the matchstick, the bicycle were each a cutting edge technology!
I have noticed a surge in reference to or use of 7 technologies during this Corona crisis:
- Zoom and other video conferencing & communication technologies
- Online delivery apps – particularly groceries, many curbside pickup
- Reliable WiFi – for .. everything! Everywhere. Globally.
- Robotics in healthcare used by Doctors to do interim checks on patients, saving PPE
- 3D-printing – to jerry-rig masks, ventilators
- Biochemistry – for creating vaccines, detecting the virus and determining new medications
- Sewing machines – to make homemade masks
Each of us sees the world from a different angle. What are the 7 that make your list?
Related article: Superglue was developed by accident
What we learned:
- Technology may be re-deployed for other uses. Some food disinfecting technologies are being tested to disinfect used PPE masks.
- My COVID technology lens is less transportation based, more focused on medical, sanitation & connecting while physical-distancing.
What is on your list?
My COVID-19 lessons
Technology may be re-purposed.
Create something because you have the idea. You never know where it will be found to be most valuable.
What is old can become needed again.
- 10 – List 10 staples that you will always have on hand
- 9 – glorious Earth day links
- 8 – of the most effective communications
- 7 – technologies that are important in a present-day COVID-19 world
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