01 May E44: You have permission
E44: You have permission
We use low points and pockets of time to confirm or change the direction of our lives – to recalibrate.
But why wait?
Can we schedule in regular checkpoints that will allow us to make these pivots earlier in the process?
What would you do if you knew you had permission to do it?
Permission to speak up,
permission to make something better,
permission to be vulnerable,
permission to connect,
permission to care.
What would you do?
Because the punch line is “you have permission”
The world needs big bold dreams right now.
Insane ideas that might actually work.
Permission to test and try, explore, and experiment has been given by all those in need:
- Ideas for effective education solutions
- Ideas on how to open up the economy while keeping everyone safe
- Vaccines, detection tests
- Visors, ventilators, PPE
- Mental health support for those in need
- Food delivery
And a whole host of needs that I have not listed, because you can see things that are not on my radar.
The best idea can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time.
So dream bold.
Dream big.
Speak up.
You have permission.
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