The Years are Short – 10 examples of how time flies by

It is inauguration weekend, and we could all use a reminder of how fast time passes by.time passes too quickly

Actually, the full quote from Gretchen Rubin reads:

The days are long, but the years are short

She wrote them to remind parents of how the long days filled with errands and activity distract us from how quickly our children grow up from under us.

Time passes quickly

But after a conversation with my niece – discussing the inauguration and the Women’s Marches – I thought it would be interesting to document a few other experiences that seemed like they would never arrive, would never end, or should last forever, but are invariably done before we know it:

  1. Your birthday
  2. Your wedding day
  3. 2 weeks of vacation
  4. 12 weeks to house-train your puppy
  5. A football/baseball/basketball or cricket season
  6. 6 months of chemotherapy
  7. 9 months of pregnancy
  8. 4 years of university  …. and of course ….
  9. 16 years of childhood

(I know I said 10.  But I thought you might want to add in a few of your own!)

It is over before you know it

For the things in life that you wish to savor – remember to relish every minute and live in the moment.

For everything else: This too shall pass



The Arena is your space to share your thoughts:

} .. Care to share your list?

} .. How did you interpret #5?  ‘Should last forever’ v ‘When will it end?’


Whether it is time management, money matters or career ideas, Karena works with her community of clients to make life simpler and more efficient by bringing an uncommon perspective to what is common.

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  • Amanda
  • Realizing how precious our time is especially when measured in weekends and summers:   Your life in Weeks by Tim Urban in the blog ‘Wait, but Why?’
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