Who can forget that little boy? Dressed up as all little 5 year-olds like to be. In full regalia: long black robe, lightsaber in hand, iconic helmet firmly on, he is Darth Vader. He has the outfit, he has the strut. But, boy, he's having trouble with the Force! Nothing seems to bow to his command: The...

"Stop focusing on the size of your problem And start focusing on the size of you." T Harv Eker Overwhelm After posting yesterday's episode and doing my research, I have to admit I was heading into Overwhelm territory. I was filled with questions: Crazy? Why did you volunteer to do this? What difference can...

"And then, move out of their way" Kids develop their broader EQ skills by stretching their abilities. It is a gradual lesson for us parents, this lesson in letting go. But we have to give our children the opportunity to develop their self-confidence, learn planning and the testing/failure that are cornerstones of...