Bingo! A Thousand Days Ago I Started a Newsletter
Just over 1,000 days ago I hovered over the ENTER button on my keyboard. “Well, here goes nothing!” I said on September 15, 2021, as I sent the first edition of my Substack to the five email addresses (I’d) signed up. Mum, my three kids and me. 1000 days ago...

Is STEAM the new response to a STEM education?
STEM or STEAM I was facing a conundrum. My son was considering a degree at a liberal arts school. “Impossible! Dad is an Engineer. I am a CompSci major.” We are both products of a STEM education and we enjoyed positive STEM careers. As the sun sets on the Industrial...

Could Mental Health be the Diabetes Epidemic of 2050?
If you only have a little time to dip into this essay today go straight to the section WHAT’S IN YOUR MENTAL HEALTH TOOLBOX? But please come back later. These are the key points I want you to walk away with: YES, mental fitness is an issue that is no...

Mind the [].. Generations ..[] Gap
The next few generations will live their entire lives with 👣 one foot in the Industrial Era, and the other 👣 in the Intelligence Era. If there is one idea I want you to leave with it is this: Strap in. It’s going to be a long while before we...

Normalizing Rest. Are you one of the 24 Tribe Tilt members who joined since our last rest Edition 70 Sustainable You? Every 7th edition is a rest and recap edition. (Why Rest? Why Seven? answered here!) In an “always-on” world it is a 21st-century skill to pre-emptively rest before you...

Liminality – where the light searches for a new way in
betwixt and between the familiar and the completely unknown — Fr. Richard Rohr — Over 10,000 people are in a liminal space right now – hunting for new opportunities, searching for a grip on the unfamiliar slippery rock face on a climb they did not choose. Their minds are struggling...

Dinosaurs, BTS and K-conomics
Can this be a road map to transition out of the Industrial Era? If we are wise, we can learn lessons from dinosaurs [1993] was the year the Korean government observed that the Steven Spielberg dinosaur blockbuster [Jurassic Park] had made more money than Hyundai, the car behemoth that is...

To Parent Scared … or with Courage
My heart was pounding as I handed my youngest child the stack of N95 masks, tea and Tylenol. I watched my son carefully assembling the familiar packing cubes for the 8-week internship he was starting in San Francisco. The luggage had last been used 90 days ago. It had carried...

What’s in a curve?
Hidden messages in logos? “Amazon has the smile, FedEx has the arrow. What message is hidden in your logo?” You know, that secret message that you cannot unsee once you know about it? I thought a lot about messaging this past weekend while I was participating in Nate Kadlac’s Approachable...

Learning from Van Gogh’s sunflowers
Keep iterating until you find what works for you It was as if an invisible thread from the vibrant yellows and iridescent blues reeled me in. Van Gogh has been tugging at my heart ever since I walked past the Irises in the Garden in the Impressionist gallery at the...

Design your Future. Then invite it in.
Design your future and invite it in “If I am going to put in those kinds of hours any way I want to do work that matters. Work that has impact – that invigorates and engages me so I don’t notice the time flying by .” I hear it so...

Its figureoutable
Three lessons we can learn from knitting. My goddaughter came over to visit. As we sat together, she brought out a mass of yellow wool. “Some of the needles have fallen. Others have shifted,” she said, delicately cradling the precious garment in her hands. Her mother passed away a few...

“Goodbye Piccadilly, Farewell Leicester Square” Thank you for the memories. And hello kitchen, comforter and … air-conditioning. Hello, fellow Tilters, from the various airports on my way home – London Heathrow LHR (outline and downloading photos), Halifax, Nova Scotia YHZ (draft) and Toronto YYZ (final edit, polish and publish E46)....

Carina nebula – nursery to the stars
“blah, blah, blah … race for the conservative party leadership heats up … blah, blah, blah, … record temperatures in the South East …. blah, blah, blah … and later in the newscast the first photos from the James Webb telescope including some from the Karena nebula” … I snapped...

Sticky to stickier – how the BTS algorithm funnel trapped me
How I got sucked into the BTS funnel I went from “What is BTS?” to fangirl in two months “OK, you …. BTS? I am laughing as I type this!” smirked my Korean friend. As my first roommate in Manhattan, she has known me, well, almost all my life! Yes....

Another in a long line of firsts
First steps. First tooth. First word. Even for a third child, each of these milestones is documented and treasured. First sleepover. First visit to the ER for stitches. First time driving solo. That constant tilt between allowing them agency and wanting to protect them drives every parent insane as they watch...

Celebrating Community
This graduation photo is a great bracket for our 30th-anniversary edition as it celebrates the end of Write of Passage cohort 8 (WoP8). I launched my newsletter in the first week of Write of Passage cohort 7 (WoP7) way back in September 2021. And I get to thank you for...

Outlier-Cluster-Trend – Teaching ourselves to read signals
Today’s topic is Trendspotting. This is another in the set of 21st-century explorer skills because we have to search for signs in the uncharted territory between the industrial and information eras. Techniques for trend spotting How do we figure out what is going to happen? It comes from paying attention...

The Space to Breathe – Planning in some Rest and Recovery
YES. This is edition 28! The fourth in our cycle of seven. And a reminder to each of us to preemptively program(me) some rest and recovery – those restorative 21st-century skills. Read more in the ‘rest’ editions 7, 14 and 21. Am I the only one advocating this concept? I...

Self-confidence is a 21st-century skill
Confidence I want to start a discussion on confidence as a 21st-century skill. It’s been spinning in my mind for the past few weeks, ever since David Dvorkin posed it as a question to the panellists judging the My Brother’s Keeper project. My gut tells me this is an important...