15 Apr Another in a long line of firsts
First steps. First tooth. First word.
Even for a third child, each of these milestones is documented and treasured.
First sleepover. First visit to the ER for stitches. First time driving solo.
That constant tilt between allowing them agency and wanting to protect them drives every parent insane as they watch their child grow into their personal sense of security and adventure.
First single.
Today, I am watching this kid drop “Cold Calling” by de souz. On Spotify, YouTube, AppleMusic.
Another first in his young life. Another of the many ways he keeps stretching himself. You would think that as parents we would tire of these. But no.
For those of you who know my boy and his dimple, you know what a wonderful smile he has. He was beaming with pride as he gave his Dad and me a personal tour around his mini-studio a few weeks back. You could hear the joy in his voice as he explained all the moving parts that had to come together to drop this single. “Do you want to hear how I created this piece? Can you hear that repeat beat segment? Are you getting the guitar and the keyboard?” I pay attention to the lyrics and I am again impressed with this 6’1” person in front of me. His excitement shines through as he shares how he created the layers of sound, worked on his marketing and used his own photograph as his cover art. He is taking this next step in his life journey of music production very seriously!
He continues to surprise us with his courage to explore alternate and additional career options as he carves the best path for himself. OK. That came out wrong. I’m no longer surprised.
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” I hear my mother’s voice in my head, quieting my disquiet about his future. He is leaning into learning. He has explored his options and is taking calculated risks. There is only upside in this experiment.
First single. First step on a new journey.
I flash my boy my own smile. And I wonder … What’s next?
I’m off to play this song on loop on Spotify and share it to my networks. So proud of his self-confidence! Check out his Instagram post for his musical journey from toddler through now.
Click on the track and read along with the lyrics …
Playing notes so naturally, I’m in a state of flow
The energy it heats me, I don’t freeze when cold winds blow
My compass pointed North so now I know which way to go
The path is looking clearer now, like footprints deep in snow
My passion is in fashion – its fast-forwarding this time
Was speeding down the highway … now I finally see the signs
My friends they sense my aura, so they’re always down to ride
Just driving my Corolla playing please don’t kill my vibe
And I’m a singer, who’s probably going to sing again
Finally just listened, now I don’t have to pretend
And this melody projected, like writing on the wall
It’s telling me to answer, saying please just hear my call
The ring, it echoes, the moon it holds my phone
No room for distractions, leave a message at the tone
Filled with voices, but I’m feeling so alone
I didn’t say I’m lonely, I just said I’m on my own
Lyrics: de SOUZ ©
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